A Successful Regional Champs!

Published by Rob_Angus on

Well that’s Regional Champs over again for another year. Two great days with some wonderful results for our small club including a few GOLD medals. We will have good representation at States this year – Go Nambour! It was a pity about the weather and slow, slow, slow running of the Walks events on Saturday, but Sunday ran like clockwork and everyone got to go home while the sun was still up!

Congratulations to all our athletes – your club is always proud of your efforts, and thanks to the parents for bringing your kids along and putting up with the late running program.

BIG BIG BIG thanks to all the parents that helped out with Javelin. Special thanks to Maree Angus for being Team Manager (it’s a tough job), Shaun Whyte for being there all weekend and helping with heaps of events, and Dakoda Puls for helping with events as well. Julie, Kev and Rob were flat out all weekend either officiating or in the recording room, so there was a big representation of Nambour members helping run the whole event.

Guess what Nambour – it’s our turn to host this event next year with Bli Bli. It’s going to be a big job – but we can do it!

Check out the Photo page for some happy snaps from the weekend.