

Event coaching is held mid week at the PCYC Grounds. Times may vary so be sure to check the noticeboard, newsletters and Facebook page for the most up to date information.   

Our Coaching sessions are *free and on these days will cover specific areas according to the athletes needs and Coach availability. Please discuss your event preferences with our Centre Manager. Coaching is not compulsory; however we encourage athletes to attend to improve on their skill development and techniques in all events. We will also be offering specific Relay coaching prior to the Regional & State Relay competitions.

*Please note – Nambour Little Athletics offers all our Coaching Sessions at no additional charge to our registered athletes. We will not endorse or offer any other coaching, paid or non paid in our Centre name other than what is promoted on our website and Facebook page. There will be times where we will share coaching opportunities seperate to Nambour Little Athletics offered by other centres under the LAQ banner. 



Little Athletics coaching is a rewarding and enjoyable experience where you can participate in your child’s sport.

Athletics Australia offer coaching courses for beginners and more advanced parents / guardians.

We always welcome those who wish to join our coaching team. If you’re interested in participating in a course or would just like some coaching information, please feel free to contact the Centre Manager in the first instance.