Relay Teams & Info

Published by Rob_Angus on

The teams for the Regional Relays have been posted on our TEAM LISTS page. Click on either the List By Name or List By Event to see what events you have been nominated in. As always there are some athletes running up an age group, and some girls that are running in Mixed teams.

The draft Event Program is also available so you can check out when your events are. Please note that events can run up to 30 minutes early, and they can also run late. Events will be marshalled up to 20 minutes prior to the event. So you need to be there well in advance of your first event (say one hour). We will have marquees set up so there will be somewhere to sit in the shade.

Maree will be Team Manager on the day and she will handle any issues, in particular event clashes. Parents are asked not move their children from one event to another if they hear a marshall call. Athletes will always stay at the event they are at before moving to the next one – let the officials and marshalls handle the clashes. Don’t panic, the kids won’t miss an event!

One VERY important point is that athletes MUST be in correct uniform. So that is a club shirt with the athletes registration number attached to the front and the age patch on the left sleeve. Shorts must be bottle green. If you are wearing skins under your shorts then they must be bottle green or black and there can be NO brand names showing (turn them inside out if you have to). And another reminder that boys must wear shorts over their skins.

We are responsible for supplying Start Marshalls at the carnival. Start Marshalls lead the kids from marshalling out to the correct place on the track. We must have FOUR Start Marshalls at all times during the day. We have some regulars who will do this job, but if there is anyone else who wants to help out let us know on the day – we will all need a break at some time.

The Region is also short a Track Marshall at this stage. This is a thankless job! The Track Marshall stays in the marshalling area, has the name lists for each event, ticks the names off, puts them in order, notes down any team changes, and generally musters the kids into some sort of order before the Start Marshalls take them to the event. If anyone is interested please let Rob know and he will let the Regional Coordinator know.

Looking forward to the Relays – Go Nambour!